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2010 Factory Visit

Factory's name:  Group Sense Electronic Factory

Background:   Group Sense (International) Limited ("GSL") (權智(國際)有限公司) was founded in June 1988 and was later listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (601.HK) in January 1993. GSL is the world leading manufacturer of electronic dictionaries and other handheld information devices. One of its well known product is "Instant-Dict"「快譯通」 GSL is famous in Quality Management, apart from applying TQM (Total Quality Management) on a firm-wide basis, the Group also earned the awards of ISO9001 and later ISO 14000. Over the past 22 years, GSL has been granted numerous awards including the various awards of Hong Kong Awards for Industry - Consumer Product Design (1995), Technological Achievement (1997), Productivity (1999), Quality (1999) and more than 10 other awards in different categories.

This visit is targeted for participants to understand more about how Quality Management can be implemented in China factory and how to overcome the difficulties. 

We gathered at China on 30th Mar at 8:30 a.m. and went together with 30 ISSC members.  GSL introduced their company to the participants and ISSC introduced their organization.  The group was guided to have a factory visit and was amazed at the high quality standard application in GSL daily operation.  At the end of the factory visit, GSL shared with the group on their TQM journey and active question and answers session followed.   This is a very successful trip and we would like to express our heartful thanks to GSL for their great support.




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