Symposium on E-Management - Challenges and Opportunities 28 May 2010
ISSC was invited as one of the sponsors and supporting organizations in this symposium. This symposium was aimed at professionals, senior managers, researchers and engineers with special interest in energy management. It provided participants with a platform to share and exchange ideas on some of the latest development and successful applications of Energy Management. This one-day symposium addressed the global trend of Energy Management including energy savings, reduction in carbon emission and alternative energy sources including some of the latest and forthcoming technologies.
The Symposium Programme includes:
Energy Audit and Energy Efficiency Applications Mr. Eddie Wu CLP Power Hong Kong Limited
Hong Kong Public Rental Housing – A study on Energy Consumption by Building Services Installations and Reduction Measures Ir Ho Wing Ip Housing Department, Government of the Hong Kong SAR
Application of LED lighting to Railway Industry Mr. Ronald K W Cheng MTR Corporation
As a token of thanks to the supporting organizations for the successful completion of this symposium, our ISSC Chairman - Dr Rita Wan was representing ISSC to receive the appreciation certificate in the end of event issued by the Chairman of IET - Management Section.