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2010 Seminar 3

Topic:  Lean Production Innovation Case Study

Date:  Thursday, 16 Dec 2010

Speaker:  Mr. K B Ho, Quality System Director of Eagle Group International Ltd.

The purpose of seminar is demonstrating many of the lean innovation examples used by Eagle Company to improve the capability of production line. It will help and bring some ideas to those companies which have intention to introduce lean innovation project in similar industries.

The case study brought out the following examples in step by step manner on

a.  Heijunka (operators only)

b.  Muda - 7 wastes

c.  Fixture Semi-Automation

d.  Line Balancing

Mr. K B Ho is working as Quality System Director of Eagle Group International Ltd now.  He is a certified 6 sigma black belt by ISSC and a hands-on Practitioner for Lean and 6 sigma projects in electronics manufacturing industries such as Sony since 1994. His main job functions now are handling operation improvement, training and quality management system. He has over 15 years’ experiences of implementing quality improvement functions, factories operation improvement consulting and cost reduction activities at Malaysia and China factories.

The seminar was well received by over 25 participants and they learned a lot of the hands-on case study shared by KB.







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