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 2012 Seminar 1 

Topic:  Integrate Voice of Customers into your Product/Service Design

Date:  Friday, 9 March 2012 (7:15 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.)

Speaker:  Dr Catherine Chan, President of Hong Kong Quality Function Deployment Association

Venue:  Unit A, 12/F, Success Commercial Building, 245-251 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, HK

We are pleased to have Dr. Catherine Chan to share with us the history of Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and how it links the customer satisfaction with quality and the department functions.

Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is a structured planning process that systematically incorporates the voice of the customer into product/service design and is a highly effective development tool for creating globally competitive products - in software, hardware, services, and many other industries.   QFD is a Japan-originated methodology that has a history of more than 40 years.  Since its introduction, QFD has been widely applied in various industries for doing product and service development all over the world.

Dr Chan introduced the history of QFD, the central ideas of QFD, how QFD applies to functional deployment, and where QFD applies.

Dr. Catherine Chan is the President of Hong Kong Quality Function Deployment Association to share with us on the application of QFD.  Dr. Chan has studied and researched QFD for almost 10 years, in particular in the area of applying QFD to curriculum planning and course design for education and training.  As an effort to introduce and promote QFD, Catherine has been actively holding workshops and conducting training seminars for educational institutions and companies of various industries.  She is a QFD Black Belt and committee member of the International Council for QFD. 

The seminar is well received by over 13 participants.




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