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 2013 Seminar 2 

Topic:  Unleashing Leadership for Six Sigma/Lean Professionals

Venue:  Unit A, 12/F, Success Commercial Building, 245-251 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

We are pleased to invite Mr. Patrick Cheung, Head of the Talent Management Team in a Hong Kong Listed Engineering Company, to share with us how to retain the talents within the company on 9 Sept 2013.

During the seminar, Mr. Patrick Cheung shared with us the following topics and quoted a lot of lively cases on how to retain the talents.

  •  Ways of Talent Retention to keep the company competitive for Corporate Leader

  •  Application of Matrix Model of Neuro-Semantics Innovative thinking system, which is a supplementary tool to improve the process of people management.

The seminar is well received by over 13 participants.  We would like to send our sincere thanks to Patrick.




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