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 2013 Seminar 3 

Topic:  Using Design of Experiment (DOE) in Service Quality

Venue:  Unit A, 12/F, Success Commercial Building, 245-251 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

We are pleased to invite Dr. Scott M. Kowalski - Minitab Technical Trainer to share with us how to apply DOE in Service Quality on 17 Oct 2013.

During the seminar, Scott shared with us the concept of DOE, how to run DOE step by step, how it applies to improve service quality and how to apply logistics regression to find out the key improvement area.  Scott shared with us a lot popular cases and illustrated with vivid examples.  The seminar was well received by over 25 participants.

We would like to send our sincere thanks to Dr. Kowalski and Minitab for their support.



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