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2014 Seminar 1

Topic:  Implementation of Lean Six Sigma in a Global Logistics Company

We have invited Mr. Billy Chan, Senior Manager, Operations Excellence in a global supply chain 3PL, on Thursday, 14 August 2014 to share with us how the approach of continuous improvement with application of lean and six sigma. 

Logistics industry is very price sensitive due to the similarity on the product features, thus driving for competitive cost and efficiency is critical to the survival of the companies in this industry.  Process improvement is now a function recognized by many companies as an integral part of the organization to help achieve continuous growth.

Billy has over 15 years of experience in logistics industry.  He is currently a process improvement advisor in a global supply chain 3PL, facilitating team members in process improvement workshops to analyze causes and develop solutions by application of lean and six sigma to achieve targeted results.

The seminar was full house that night and we would like to express our sincere thanks to Billy for his inspiration talk and sharing.


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