International Six Sigma Council - Six Sigma Professionals Registration Body




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The Best Practice Awards celebrate our winners’ application of quantitative methods in process improvement – Six Sigma and Lean.

The recipients are those with the foresight, commitment and social responsibility required to develop a best practice that can cope with a fast-changing environment.

Our winners are those with a proven methodology to improve business and quality performance and to deliver improved profit by addressing serious business issues that may have existed for a long time.   We also recognise approaches that demonstrate cross-functional deployment, the effective use of tools and "fact-based prevention" rather than a "fix-it mindset".  Results are derived from a systematic approach endorsed by the organisation’s senior management, customers and other stakeholders.

A Best Practice Award can give a boost to an organisation not only because of the recognition it brings, but also in terms of employee pride, satisfied shareholders and in the enhanced credibility of the service, product or brand.

 All winners will be invited to attend the ISSC Annual Dinner in June 2015. The annual dinner will include a best practices sharing session.

Each category winner will receive a trophy by ISSC and a certificate by BSI.

Winners will be mentioned in a newspaper supplement and will be featured individually in our
ISSC Newsletter

Organizations that have won the Award will be invited to give an 8 minutes presentation on their best practice and approach at the Annual Dinner

All winners will be invited to an ISSC seminar to share their experiences and their best practice.  The day will be announced later.

Best Practice in Quality Improvement with Six Sigma

Best Practice in Process Improvement with Lean

Best Champion in implementing Continual Improvement in Organization



The British Standards Institution  




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