International Six Sigma Council - Six Sigma Professionals Registration Body




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Who Can Enter?

Entries are invited from companies of any size or nature. Organizations from Hong Kong and Asia-Pacific region are welcome to participate.

How to Enter

Complete an application form in the Nominee Application Section. Answer all questions on that application page and submit. 

Best Practice in Quality Improvement with Six Sigma
Best Pracatice in Process Improvement with Lean

Best Champion in Implementing Continual Improvement in Organization

Number of Entries

There is no limit to the number of entries you can submit. You may enter in more than one category. Subunits of larger (parent) organizations may also apply for the Award if they are sufficient in their own right to be examined in all assessment categories. They must be discrete business entities that are readily distinguishable from other parts of the parent organization.

Each entry incurs an entry fee of HK$12,000/US$1,500 which includes a table (10 persons) at the ISSC Annual Dinner in Jan 2019.  The entry is required to pay at the Final Submission.  No need to pay at the first entry.   The shortlisted applicant invited to the Presentation Workshop incurs a promotion fee of HK$80,000 which includes the promotion in newspaper, printing of promotion booklet, on site promotion and award fee.


Application and Write-submission of entries closes on 16 Jan 2019.

Preliminary Screening – Notification of Screening Result on 27 Mar 2019

Deadline for Final Submission –  5 Sep 2019

Presentation Workshop – 14 Nov 2019 – Each shortlisted applicant will give a 15 minutes presentation plus a 30 minute question and answer session before the Board of Examiners

Secondary Screening – Notification of Screening Result - 12 Dec 2019

Site Visit – On site verification by BSI will be done by early Feb 2020 for selected winning teams

Final judge award – 15 May 2020

Quality Award Dinner will be in Jan 2020


Applicants from all fields of industries and businesses, whose principal activities are in Hong Kong, are eligible to apply for the Award.

Subunit of Business Entities

Subunits of larger (parent) organizations may also apply for the Award if they are sufficient in their own right to be examined in all assessment categories. They must be discrete business entities that are readily distinguishable from other parts of the parent organization.

Conditions of Site Visit

Although an applicant may have facilities outside Hong Kong, in the event of a Site Visit, the applicant should ensure, where possible, that the appropriate people and materials are available for examination in Hong Kong to document the operational practices associated with all major business functions of the applicant. The ISSC reserves the right to deny visits to sites that are outside the Hong Kong region.

Experience Sharing

In the event that an applicant wins the Award, it must be able to share information at experience sharing seminars and/or in the form of a publication . The information shared is determined by the Award recipient.



Initial Screening 

All applicants have to submit an Initial Submission on their process improvement project by application of Lean and/or Six Sigma methodologies. A shortlist of applicants will be drawn based on the Initial Submission.

Assessment of Final Submission  

Shortlisted applicants will be required to submit a Final Submission, in 50 pages or less, for detailed assessment.

Presentation Workshop

Shortlisted applicants will be invited to give a 15 minutes presentation on their submission plus a 30 minutes Question and Answer Session before the Board of Examiners during a Presentation Workshop. Details of the arrangements will be provided by the Award Secretariat prior to the Presentation Workshop.

Site Visit

Based on the Final Submission, a shortlist of applicants will be drawn to participate in the site visit. BSI will conduct an on-site verification of the submission to the shortlisted applicants. During these Site Visits, the examiners will interview employees and review pertinent records and data. The objective is to verify the information provided in the Final Submission and to answer questions raised during the board's review.

The choice of dates will be decided by the BSI. All shortlisted applicants have to prepare themselves to be available on the specified dates. In the event of a Site Visit, the applicant must provide the necessary transportation and other logistical arrangements to enable the smooth conduct of the Site Visit


Facts about British Standards Instituion (BSI)

Established in 1901, BSI was the world's first national standards body.  The BSI is a Royal Charter Company and is governed by its Royal Charter and Bye-laws.  For more details, please click onto the BSI website to know more.






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