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ISSC Asia Quality Best Practice Award Booklet 2015

ISSC Asia Quality Best Practice Award Assessment Criteria

Best Practice in Quality Improvement with Six Sigma

Best Practice in Process Improvement with Lean

Best Champion in Implementing Continual Improvement in Organization

Application Form for ISSC Asia Quality Best Practice Award

First Submission (on line) maximum 500 words per each entry field on the form (Free submission without the need of entry fee)

Best Practice in Quality Improvement with Six Sigma
Best Practice in Process Improvement with Lean

Best Champion in Implementing Continual Improvement in Organization

Final Submission (After First Submission, ISSC will invite those meeting the Best Practice Award standard to Final Submission.  Need to pay the entry fee of HK$12,000 together with the Final Submission.  The fee has already included a table of 10 at ISSC Annual Dinner.)

Best Practice in Quality Improvement with Six Sigma

Best Practice in Process Improvement with Lean

Best Champion in Implementing Continual Improvement in Organization

 For any questions, please contact the Asia Quality Best Practice Award Secretariat at






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