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2016 Technical Visit to HACTL


Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals Limited (Hactl) is one of the world's leading air cargo terminals with the unique world-class facilities, highly efficient operation and innovative technology. SuperTerminal 1 is the single largest multi-level air cargo terminal in the world.  They have 3,500 Container Storage System positions, 10,000 Box Storage System positions, and a comprehensive range of specialised cargo handling facilities to cater for all cargo types, from temperature-controlled products to valuable goods to livestock.

This is the 2nd year our members visited HACTL.  On Saturday, 16 Jan 2016, a rainy day, a total of 25 participants gathered in both Hung Hom and Tung Chung and reached HACTL at 10:00 a.m.  After detailed introduction by Ir. Kenneth Y. Y. Chan, the Executive Director of HACTL, we played a visit to the Air Cargo Handling Sytem and appreciated the power of the super terminal. 

We would like to express our sincere thanks to the hospitality of HACTL.




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