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2016 Seminar 1

Topic:  Maximize Machine Life Cycle Through Vibration Measurement

Speaker:  Mr. Johnathan Kwan, Director of iTestMeasure Company Ltd.

Date:  5 Aug 2016


Johnathan has been working in the field of machine monitoring, sound & vibration for more than 25 years.  He was the Greater China Country Manager of Bruel & Kjaer in charge of its operation in Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. 

Many companies in different industry has succeeded in extending the life cycle of the machine by changing the maintenance strategy from reactive or preventive maintenance to predictive maintenance.  The best way to extend and maximize the machine life cycle is to monitor the machine periodically and make repair before the machine fails.

Johnathan has shared with us on how to setup a monitoring program effectively through vibration measurement which is a well proven method in different industries for many decades.  He also shared the meaning of different vibration metrics and standards, such as ISO10816-3, and the use of them to assess vibration severity and interpret the machine conditions such as bearing fault.  

The workshop was well received by over 15 participants.  Thank Johnathan for his inspiring speech.





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