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Technical Visit to Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station


Daya Bay nuclear power plant is the first of its kind in Mainland China. It is one of the earliest and largest joint-venture projects launched under the Open-Door Policy, and has remained one of the most successful projects.

Daya Bay is located in Dapeng, a sub-district of Shenzhen in Guangdong Province. This site was evaluated as a suitable place to build a nuclear power station and is convenient in providing electricity to Hong Kong.

The nuclear power station has earned a good reputation in the management, operation and safety behaviour aspect in the ‘World Association of Nuclear Operator”, an organisation of industry leaders. The station has also received many awards in competitions organised by the French electricity company.


It is our pleasure to have a factory visit to Daya Bay on 17 November 2017.  It was a sunny day and we went with a group of 16 members. 

We would like to express our sincere thanks to Mr. Lee Chi Sing, First Deputy General Manager, Daya Bay Nuclear Power Operations and Management Co. Ltd. for his warm hospitality throughout our visit in Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station.  The comprehensive introduction and the special guided tour by Mr. Henry Lai, Deputy Plant Manager, made upon our arrival was rich and amazing to our professional members.   The fabulous and delicious lunch arranged after the visit made our trip very memorable. 








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