International Six Sigma Council - Six Sigma Professionals Registration Body




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About International Six Sigma Council (ISSC)

ISSC is a non-profit making organization of quality practitioners and lean and six sigma experts.  ISSC is a Six Sigma Professional Registration Body and provides six sigma professional examination.  ISSC does not provide training, to avoid conflict of interest. ISSC welcomes training organizations and companies recommend their students and staff to attend the examination.

ISSC is well recognized by six sigma experts and six sigma companies.  You can have a look of our structure, our honorary advisors and our mission.  Please also have a look of the reasons to register with ISSC.

Currently, the following organizations provide Six Sigma and Lean trainings with ISSC examinations:

AC&A Consultancy & Training Co. Limited (
provides Six Sigma Green Belt and Black Belt Certificate Programs (Courses have been included in the reimbursement list of Continuing Education Fund (CEF) ), including both public and in-house six sigma courses.

Great Tech Co. Ltd.
provides Six Sigma Green Belt in-house courses.  Contact phone number:  27630727

Pursuit of Excellence Management Consulting Company Limited
provides Six Sigma in-house courses.  Contact phone number: 93680668



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